

SUMMER brings SPORTS to Aqualand

What we've been waiting for is finally here! Summer! And with it comes a new theme of summer animations.

Well, in what other spirit should the summer be spent in Aqualand, than on the wave of sports? Let's rock it together!

And because we're not leaving it at Aquazumba and workshops this time, we've also prepared year-round sports competitions for you! We will play sports and compete together - every day! Who will be Aqualand's champion in swimming, archery, or boating in the sand? That's up to you! Oh, and we're playing for the first three places and valuable prizes!

1. The venue will receive 15 tickets to Aqualand 
2. The venue will receive 10 tickets to Aqualand 
3. The venue will receive 5 tickets to Aqualand

We compete every day at 11 am. Specific breakdown of disciplines:

MO- swimming (Fun&Swim)
TU - archery (beach volleyball court)
WE - shuttle run (beach volleyball court)
TH - swimming (Fun&Swim)
FR - archery (beach volleyball court)
SA - shuttle run (beach volleyball court)
SU - swimming (Fun&Swim)

So everyone on the signs and let's start, there's a lot to play for! We will update the table with the interim results of the first three places in each category every Monday

Now you can rent a soccer ball, volleyball or even a frisbee from our animators at the animation point of the Riviera. The loan is free of charge. Just fill out a short form so we know who we're lending the gear to and you can start frolicking!